

For my Ph.D., I am advised by Professor Dimitris Bertsimas, working broadly on machine learning for high-stakes decision-making, specifically in the healthcare domain. My current work includes the following topics:

Work experience

Languages + Skills

My primary language for development is Python, but I also have some professional experience with Go. I also have experience with functional programming in OCaml (not professionally) and greatly enjoy working with this paradigm.

Machine Learning Skills

While a lot of my knowledge and experience in building ML systems comes from working on a variety of awesome projects in industry (mentioned above), I’ve also sat down and cranked out the math in a variety of courses, such as Unsupervised Learning, Supervised Learning, (Graduate) Foundations of Modern Machine Learnging, and (Graduate) Machine Learning Under a Modern Optimization Lens to name a few. My skills include:


See my Google Scholar page for the most up-to-date list of publications.



A Discriminative Model to Identify and Demarcate Textual Features in Risk Control Documents

System for Suggesting Words, Phrases or Entities to complete sequences in Risk Control documents

Hybrid Model and System For Predicting Quality and Identifying Features and Entities of Risk Controls




AWS Solutions Architect - Associate (April 2021 - April 2024)